Sunday, Dec 22, 2024

School Board Minutes & Expenses


August 11, 2015

The Arbon School Board met on August 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. members Jason Williams, Jake Evans and Jessica Ward were present as were Debbie Curry and clerk, Cheri Evans.

The motion was moved by Jason and seconded by Jake to approve the agenda. The motion was moved by Jason and seconded by Jake to approve the minutes.  The bills were reviewed. The motion was moved by Jake and seconded by Jessica to approve them. The total M & O expenses for the month of August was $21,486.79. The school received $9,720.14 from the State Department, $14,753.61 from property taxes and $14.07 from interest on investments. The school M & O balance is $129,853.30. The Plant Facility received $4.02 from interest the Plant Facility balance is $49,637.09. The motion was moved by Jake and seconded by Jessica to approve the financial statement.

Debbie said the Singapore Math Conference in Phoenix, Arizona was excellent.  She has contacted Jason Liberton, Regional Mathematics Specialists, from College of Education to come out and meet with her for more support and feedback.  Debbie would like to purchase soccer goals for the school.  The Board approved.

The County L-2 Form was reviewed and approved by the Board.  The 2015-2016 bus routes were reviewed and approved.

Cheri has stayed in contact with Sharee Sprague, Power County Clerk, on switching over the checking accounts.  Sharee is checking with their legal department for clarification on all the necessary steps to make sure they are in compliance when closing out the trust and moving the money over.  She is hoping for the first part of September.  It was decided just to stay with the current Quickbooks Program and not purchased the Quickbooks Payroll for now possibly later.

The next meeting will be held on September 8, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The motion was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Approved 09-08-2015