Category: Community Announcement
Notice of Filing Deadline
Posted by Cheri Evans in Community Announcement Thursday, 12 February 2015 14:56 No Comments
Arbon Elementary School District No.383
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That declaration of candidacy for the office of Board of Trustees for the Trustee Zone #1 (Crystal) and Zone #3 (Arbon) of Arbon Elementary School District No.383, Power County, Arbon, Idaho, must be filed with the Power County Clerk or with the district clerk whose address is 4405 Arbon Valley Hwy. no later than 5:00 p.m. on the 20th day of March, 2015.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that Declaration of Candidacy is available at the district office at:Â 4405 Arbon Valley Hwy. or at the office of the Power County Clerk. 543 Bannock Avenue, American Falls, Idaho.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that individuals who run as write-in candidates must file a declaration of intent no later than 5:00 p.m. forty-five (45) days prior to the election (April 3rd, 2015).
Cheri Evans, Clerk
Post Office Meeting
Posted by Melinda Campbell in Community Announcement Tuesday, 29 July 2014 21:13 No Comments
There will be a meeting Today (Wednesday, July 30th) to discuss the future of the Arbon Post Office. The USPS will present a couple of options for future mail delivery to our valley. The meeting will take place at the Arbon Elementary School at 6pm.
Participation from the valley residents has been requested.
Thank You!
Posted by Rene.Bradley in Community Announcement Sunday, 27 July 2014 21:51 No Comments
Once again I am reminded of just what a great place Arbon Valley is to live. So many wonderful friends and neighbors. We are most fortunate to live in a community that still cares about each other. So many don’t know just how valuable that is in today’s world.
A few weeks ago, some very lovely ladies came and helped me clean my house and even washed windows. Was a most pleasant time with much laughter and busy hands that made short work of what would have taken me hours or days to do. They are so special to me.
This past Saturday, a very lively bunch of men came and within an hour and a half they had cleaned up, hauled away, mowed and stacked until my yard and around my house was almost shining. Oh yes, not to forget the gentleman who came and fixed my closet doors. What a wonderful bunch of neighbors and friends I have. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes just having things cleaned up makes all the difference in an older person’s outlook on life. I know it sure did mine.
Thank you so very much.
Rene’ Bradley
Our Grateful Thanks
Posted by Jacob Andersen in Community Announcement Thursday, 24 October 2013 16:16 No Comments
Dear Friends,
We would like to say how thankful we are to everyone who has supported us through this last week. All the meals, phone calls, flowers, letters & cards and most of all, the hugs and love that has been felt for our family. Hank and Ashlee were so impressed by everyone who came to the service.
Daxton made a huge impact on all of us and we will always be grateful for the time we had with him. The lessons that we have learned through this are priceless, and so are your friendships. We are so thankful to live in a valley where everyone is as close to family as you can get.
Sincerely our Love,
The Fitch Family
Arbon Fun Run
Posted by Debbie Curry in Community Announcement Tuesday, 10 September 2013 09:16 No Comments