Tuesday, Dec 03, 2024

Category: Arbon School

Arbon School Schedule & Supply List

Dear Parents and Students,

It seems as if we just finished our school year and yet the stores are advertising back to school sales! I am sending out our supply list early so that you can hopefully take advantage of those sales! We are again following the Am. Falls School District schedule as close as possible and will be starting our school year August 29th, 2016.  There is a school calendar included with this letter.  Our schedule is below and recess is still the best time to contact your child.

Daily Schedule (M,T,TH,F)

9:15 – school begins

11:00 – 11:15 Recess

12:35 – 1:25 Lunch

3:00 – 3:15 Recess (Little Room)  (Big Room will have P.E. at  this time)

4:20 School Dismisses (This will be flexible depending on when the bus from Am. Falls arrives -between 4:15 – 4:30)

Wednesdays we will dismiss at 2:20 (also depending on the Am. Falls bus)

The following is the supply list for this year

Little Room students will need –

    • Large eraser
    • 24 Crayola Crayons (please NO substitutions!)
    • Pencil bag
    • *We have a lot of pencils and glue sticks left from last year.  We will use them up and if we need more we will let you know.  January is a good time time to send another eraser and box of crayons.

Big Room students will need –

    • 2 doz #2 wood pencils or .7 mechanical pencils with lead refills
    • 4  homework folders
    • 1 pkg colored pencils
    • 1 pkg colored markers
    • 1 pkg cap erasers
    • 1 durable hand held pencil sharpener
    • 1 pencil bag
    • 3 red ink pens
    • 1 fine point black sharpie
    • Running shoes for P.E. daily
    • Please send a book bag daily and check it daily for homework, notes, and whatever else may be in there.

We’re looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Mrs. Claunch and Mrs. Curry

*We have a large supply of boxes of tissues.  Please do not send any at this time, however we may ask for some later.

Fun Run – Thank you!

Dear Fun Run participants,

The Staff and students at Arbon Elementary would like to thank everyone who came out and participated in our annual Fall Fun/Run.  We raised a little over $500, which will go a long ways toward our goal for  new playground equipment.  A big big thanks to Jamie Evans for helping organize,set up, and take down.  What an awesome school parent!!!  Again, Thank You!!!!


Letter from Dan Nuckols

Dear Jamie Evans,

What a joy it was to talk with you this morning. I can’t tell you how much it means to me to remain a part of Arbon Valley and have “The Nuckols” place still in conversation. I do so love that valley and the time I spent going to school there 6th – 8th grade…. seems like only yesterday.  Jerre was the first one to ever lay a punch on my jaw…. I can’t remember why, but he jumped in the air and connected a good one.  Some things a fella just never forgets.

Please add me and my wife, Karen, into the “walk” status of the fun run as spiritual apparitions. We will be there as such.  Best of luck to all in acquiring new payground equipment.

Please give my love to the valley,

Dan Nuckols

School Gym Closed

Due to renovation and cleaning, the main floor and gym will be closed to the public until school resumes. Thanks.

Hostage Situation Training

The Arbon School bus drivers are holding a Drivers training meeting tomorrow, Thursday the 19th of February at the Arbon School from 6:00 p.m to 8:00 p.m. We would like to invite any adults who may wish to attend. The topic will be Hostage situations and how to handle them. Officer Edwards along with other officers and two police dogs are coming out and we will watch videos and talk about different situations and how to handle them. Then they will run us through some drills including lock down of the school bus and also maybe a lock down drill of the school.

Any questions call Juli Fitch 335-2171

School Christmas Program – TODAY!

Morning performance is at 11:00 this morning and evening performance is at 7:00 tonight.  We’d love to see you there!