Tuesday, Jan 14, 2025

Author Archive

Jam and Bread Sale

Myra’s Jam and Bread Sale

Nov 12th

In the basement of the school

11:00 am – 2:00pm

I will still pay for the return of your empty jam and jelly jars

(home canning style only)

Myra’s Jam and Bread Sale

Jams, jellies, muffins, loaves of bread, soup by the bowl, and more! Come by the Arbon Elementary School on Saturday, December 11th from 10 AM to 1 PM.

Date: Saturday, December 11th
Time: 10AM – 1PM
Location: Arbon Elementary School (Basement)

I will be glad to pay 25 cents for any jelly jars you would like to return. Call if you have any questions – 698-3377

A Tribute to a Great Teacher

After a total of 22 years, Cindy Pierce has retired from teaching at Arbon Elementary School.

She came to Arbon as Cindy Bradley in 1974 after she graduated from BYU with her teaching degree and a special interest in rural education. She had applied for work in several small towns in Idaho and Colorado but luckily Steve Lusk hired her to work here. She met and married Ron in 1976 and they lived in The Cottage until they moved to Washington in 1977.

Todd Fitch was one of her early students and when asked what he remembered most about Cindy’s teaching he said he remembered Ron coming to the school and teaching them to build huge kites. One day they were playing with a kite and the string broke. It flew out into Barry Williams’ meadow and they went after it. He said they had to wade across the crick to get it so they decided to take the long way back to the school. Mrs. Peterson was very angry with them for taking so much time to come in after recess.

Cindy and Ron moved back to Arbon again in 1991. Cindy went back to work as a teacher o while their house was being built, the entire family of 6 lived in The Cottage. Robin (Neeser) Claunch was living in her double wide trailer behind The Cottage so they were neighbors as well as coworkers for those two years. Robin said Cindy is a “great friend and confidant.” She was supportive and helpful not only with teaching but also in her personal life. She loved sharing kid and grandkid stories. Robin said,

“If I had a problem I knew I could always go to Cindy. She always gave me a shoulder when I needed one.”

For the last few years I have been privileged to work with Cindy as a substitute teacher. I have found her to be very considerate and patient with the children. She worked to understand each individual and their own special needs. She has the wonderful gift of quiet diplomacy.

When I asked her if there was anything she wanted to add to this article she said, “I promise not to believe half the stuff your kids said about you if you promise not to believe half the stuff they said about me.”

I believe the intelligence and ethics of the children who have graduated from Arbon Elementary speaks volumes for the quality of the teachers.

Thank you, Cindy, for all the years of dedicated service!

Observation from the South End

How green is our Valley??   I love springtime in Arbon!

The deep green of the fall wheat in contrast with the bitter-sweet chocolate brown of the fresh plowed fields makes me want to mimic it in a quilt for my bed.  There are occasional patches of last years stubble fields adding  two-toned, diagonal stripes of beige to the landscape.  Then there are the areas where seeds have had to be replanted because of our long winter.   It looks as though a creek has carved crazily curving canyons of brown through the otherwise verdant green.

To add texture to the crazy quilt we have long abandoned sheds which have stood against the years of endless wind but are now leaning  closer and closer to the ground from which the wood boards of which they are built once sprung.  They only time they  hear the voice of human companionship  when engaged couples  come to take  pictures for their wedding announcements.

A small flock of pelicans, presumably on their way to American Falls Reservoir, found a weekend refuge in the flooded meadow north of Ardean Andersen’s home.  A few friendly cranes joined them at their temporary bed and breakfast.

I often wish I were a hawk and could fly slowly over this valley, occasionally riding the thermals high up in the air to be able to view it as the king-sized comforter it is.   As a friend recently told me after visiting for only one day, ” I think this valley might be  like it’s people… beautiful from the inside out.”



Welfare Cows


y closest neighbors are a large herd of Black Angus cows. Because they are about all I have to look at through my kitchen window I have become fascinated at some of their behaviors.

The first morning after they were moved out onto this grazing range they still came down to the entry gate and stood waiting for the truck to bring them their breakfast. I understood then what my neighbor meant when he referred to them as “welfare cows”. Even though they are standing in an extensive field of green feed, they still want the truck with the old dry hay to come feed them because it is what they are used to and it is so much less work for them.

This was even more evident the next morning.  I watched as cow after cow strode rather quickly to join the mass of black bovines who stood bawling at an old derelict truck. This truck, which vaguely resembles the truck that used to bring them their feed  has been rusting away in the same place for more than 20 years. No matter how long they stood there bawling and complaining, that old truck never brought them their meal.

I wonder what else I may learn from watching these cows other than nobody looks good scratching their rear end in public