Thursday, Dec 26, 2024

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Arbon Roots Group

Arbon Roots Group 2015

This is for anyone interested in getting together to work on family history.

All are welcome!

Please bring your own laptop.

Time: 7:00

Place: Shanna Perkin’s house

When:  2nd Wednesday of every month (no meetings in July or December)

Questions? Call Melinda 705-7466

Arbon Roots Group

The Arbon ‘Roots’ Group is meeting today, Wednesday Aug 13th at 7:00pm at Shanna Perkin’s house.  Anyone is welcome to attend!

Call Melinda for any questions.

Post Office Meeting

There will be a meeting Today (Wednesday, July 30th) to discuss the future of the Arbon Post Office. The USPS will present a couple of options for future mail delivery to our valley. The meeting will take place at the Arbon Elementary School at 6pm.

Participation from the valley residents has been requested.

Health Care for Farmers

Juli Fitch has arranged for Mark Seamons from Seamons Financial to come out and present information on the new health care laws and how they might affect farmers, ranchers, and others in the valley.  After his presentation, he will be available for questions.

This meeting is Tuesday night, March 11 at 7:00pm at the Arbon School. Please call Juli for more information.

Arbon Valley Roots Group

Because of a conflict, Roots will meet one week early, on Wednesday, March 5th (7:00 @ Shanna’s house) instead of on March 12th as originally planned.  If you have an interest in exploring your family history with other like-minded neighbors, you are invited to come, no matter what your level of learning is.
For questions, please call Melinda at 705-7466.