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Spring Program and Fundraiser
Posted by Debbie Curry in Arbon School Tuesday, 22 April 2014 11:17 No Comments
Dear friends, family, and neighbors,
The students and staff at Arbon Elementary would like to invite everyone to the Arbon Elementary Spring Program and Silent Auction being held on Thursday, May 22nd.
The program will start at 11:00 a.m. for the morning performance and 7:00 p.m. for the evening performance. Â The silent auction will have items available to bid on starting at 9:00 a.m. Â Bids will be taken ALL DAY until 6:30 pm.. Â Winners will be announced after the evening performance.
We have a wonderful list of generous donations already. Â If anyone has a donation they would like to contribute, please let us know or just drop it by the school. The last day we will be taking donations will be May 9th. Â We will also be posting a list of all the items up for bid on this web site. Â So don’t forget to check us out. Â All donations, material or cash, are always greatly appreciated.
We are very close to reaching the amount needed to replace the surface of the playground.  Our project manager is planning on starting the project this summer. Hopefully this fund raiser will put us over the top, we are so excited and grateful for all the support we have received the last couple of years.  Please, come enjoy some bidding wars and a very cute program or just annoy your neighbor and come out bid him, Whatever you choose to do, it looks to be a very fun day!
Thanks again,
The staff at Arbon Elementary
Arbon Christmas Program
Posted by Debbie Curry in Arbon School, Event Wednesday, 11 December 2013 09:49 No Comments
Arbon Elementary
The Case of the Counterfeit Santa
A Christmas Melodrama
Location: Arbon Elementary School
First Performance: 11am
Second Performance: 7pm
AF Wrestling Club
Posted by Debbie Curry in Fundraiser Monday, 2 December 2013 11:04 No Comments
The American Falls Wrestling Club is selling shredded hash browns again this year. $25.00 a case, each case has 6 2lb packages. Money goes toward trips to camps and tournaments and equipment. Contact Richard or Debbie Curry at 335-2373
Arbon Fun Run
Posted by Debbie Curry in Arbon School Wednesday, 9 October 2013 09:41 No Comments
The staff here at Arbon Elementary would like to shout out a BIG thank you to everyone who supported our Fall Fun Run/Walk. Â It was a success and got us a lot closer to our goal for the new playground surface. Â Without your support this project will not happen, so thank you, thank you, thank you.
Arbon Fun Run
Posted by Debbie Curry in Community Announcement Tuesday, 10 September 2013 09:16 No Comments