Posted by Christie.Evans in School Board Notices Wednesday, 11 October 2017 09:23
September 19th, 2017 7:00PM
The Arbon School Board met on September 19th at 7:00 p.m. School board members, Jake Evans and Jessica Ward were present. Teacher,Debbie Curry and Business Manager, Christie Evans were present.
The motion was moved by Jake and seconded by Jessica to approve the agenda. The motion was moved by Jessica and seconded by Jake to approve the minutes. Â The bills were reviewed. Â The motion was moved by Jake and seconded by Jessica to approve them. Â The total M & O expenses for August was $33,794.15 Â The school received $130,418.00 from the State Department, $1,230 from the Lottery, $327.77 from property taxes and $79.00 from the State Share Building maintenance fund. The school also received $214.82 from interest on investments. The school M & O balance is $279,254.61. The Plant Facility received $48.24 from interest the Plant Facility balance is $56,821.84. The motion was moved by Jessica and seconded by Jake to approve the financial statement.
Debbie Curry discussed our annual fun run that will be Saturday Sept. 23rd. Â It is a successful fundraiser for the school. The funds are being raised for playground equipment. She is planning to set a date with the Museum of Idaho in Idaho Falls. The segment at the museum is on Space a Journey to our Future and the students have been studying astronomy. Â District Evaluation Plan was on the agenda. The school board needs to generate a new evaluation plan.
Student manual for dual enrollment was reviewed and no changes were needed. The school was selected for the upcoming REAP grant. The board would like to improve the lighting outside of the school. Jake is going to seek out an electrician to discuss about installing LED lights around the building.
Student manual for visitors needs to be amended. The board recommended not to allow students let visitors into the building. Security cameras are installed but looking at wireless monitors for the teacher’s desks. By doing this the students wouldn’t be distracted.
The next meeting will be held on October 10th, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. The motion was moved by Jessica and seconded by Jake to adjourn the meeting. Â The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Approved: 10/10/2017 by School Board