Sunday, Dec 22, 2024

School Board Minutes (12/11/2013)

The Arbon School Board met on December 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. members Melinda Campbell and Jake Evans were present as were Ryan Weston and clerk, Cheri Evans.

The motion was moved by Melinda and seconded by Jake to approve the agenda after one addition. The motion was moved by Melinda and seconded by Jake to approve the minutes.  The bills were reviewed. The motion was moved by Jake and seconded by Melinda to approve them. The total M & O expenses for the month of December was $35,761.32. The school received $46,401.49 from the State Department, $3,907.99 from REAP funds, $1,375.00 health insurance refund from the Idaho School District Council and $11.55 from interest on investments. The school M & O balance is $84,326.25. The Plant Facility received $4.30 from interest the Plant Facility balance is $38,641.71. The motion was moved by Jake and seconded by Melinda to approve the financial statement.

The school program will be on December 18th at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Debbie’s class will begin skiing on January 11th for four Fridays.  Robin’s class will have a variety for parties on those days in the afternoon.

Ryan Weston would like to see the school purchase two new microphones like the ones purchased last year for the school programs.  The old wireless ones are not working very well.  He also purchased a lighting system for the programs and wondered if the school could reimburse him.  The board would like to get a list from the teachers on REAP purchases before a decision is made.

The school received the funds for pay for performance and it has been distributed.  Melinda will contact Jason Bransford to see it he would be interested in doing the teacher evaluations.

Jake has picked up new wheels for the stage rack and will get them on before the stage is put back away.  Painting the blacktop and picnic tables is complete.

The next meeting will be held on January 15, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.  The motion was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.