Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024

David Revell Andersen

David Revell Andersen

David Andersen was born 2 April 1937 in Pocatello, Idaho. He was the 3rd of six children born to his parents, Willard and Mamie Andersen. Siblings Elmo Jack and Patsy Grace welcomed him to the family. He was the third generation of Andersens in Arbon Valley, his grandfather (John) having come to the valley to homestead in 1893.  David got his middle name, “Revell,” from one of his father’s missionary companions.

David attended grade school in Arbon for first and second grades. This was the Valley View school located close to where the Latter-day Saint Church now is, on Church Road. “This was a one room school for grades one through eight that had one potbellied stove, two blackboards, one box of pull-down raised elevation relief maps of the world, one sandbox, seven rows of desks, a cloak room, and one teacher with a hand operated brass bell. His transportation to and from school was one horse named Scout. Jack rode in the front, David, then Patsy in the back. If the weather was bad in the winter Scout was sent home, and Dad [Willard] would come and get them in the sleigh. His third [grade] through high school years were spent in Pocatello. Growing up, his social life revolved around church dances, programs, or visits by or to neighbors. The rest of the time was filled with chores, and adventures with his cousins. Dad was very proud to hail from the early pioneers and hardworking folks of Arbon Valley. He was his Dad’s shadow no matter the time of year and proud to be a farmer of Arbon Valley. Then he attended Pocatello High School, graduating in 1955” (from the “Life Sketch” read at David’s funeral).

David loved to work on the farm in Arbon. He could drive the team of horses from the time he was only six years old. He was a hard and talented worker and could do just about anything he set his mind to doing. “David was among the generation of Arbonites who in his youth witnessed the coming of the tractor, electricity, the bulk bin combine, the hay bailer, the many other mechanical and revolutionary inventions of the day. At least new to Arbon Valley. Soon gone was the pitch fork, the dump rake, the single and double tree, the neck yoke, the collar, the harness. Gone were the Clydesdales and the Percheron mule. Gone were the buck rake, the derrick, the Jackson fork, and the slings. Gone were the sack needle, the burlap bag, the sacker. Gone were the wind charger, the windmill, the ice house, the coal cook stove. Gone were the water bucket, the tin tub and the wash stand. Yes, gone were the implements once so evident of the struggle and life that existed there for his family” (“Life Sketch”).

“He served an honorable 25-month mission in the Western States mission. In those days, he could and did purchase his own car while there to use for his service and brought it home with him” (“Life Scetch”).

David was an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He served as a bishop in Chubbuck along with all the other callings he held. He was compassionate to people, and was loved by all.

David married Karen Mathews April 2, 1965 in the Idaho Falls, Idaho Temple. They were married 52 years. “Dad met a wonderful girl at a “come as you are party.” He came and picked Karen Joan Mathews up along with four others for the party. He called her the next day and so began the courtship, which lasted four years. One of their more memorable dates was when he was secretary for the Arbon Farm Bureau and took her to the meeting. They took a shortcut from Pocatello to Arbon, ran out of gas, and had to walk three hours to the nearest home for help. He waited for her while she served a mission in the Netherlands, and they were married in the Idaho Falls temple in 1965, on his birthday, April 2nd, because he didn’t want to forget their anniversary. It was definitely unconditional love between them because they ran out of gas on their honeymoon, too. Two years later, they were blessed with a son, Troy David. And two years after that they had another son, Rocky Mel. Finally they had a daughter, Shana. Dad loved to travel and see different parts of this beautiful country but enjoyed coming home even more. Every summer, we would spend a couple weeks traveling to see different places and experience different things, including Redfish Lake, the national parks, Canada, California, the West Coast, Lake Powell for a week in a houseboat, and so many other country drives throughout the West” (Life Skectch”).

They were the parents of Troy, Sean, Cory, Shana, and Rocky. Rocky preceded him in death, passing away while on a hunting trip, from accidental suffocation, in October 1996 when he was only twenty-seven.

David died peacefully at his home in Pocatello at age eighty on 24 August 2017. He was interred in the Arbon Valley Cemetery, in the valley he loved, close to his son Rocky.


Call, Laurie Jean; Bannock Valley (Providence, Utah: Keith Watkins and Sons, 1982). – This links to the Life Sketch read at David’s funeral.