Non – Transportation School Zone
Posted by Christie.Evans in Arbon School, Community Announcement, School Board Notices Wednesday, 15 August 2018 11:02
4405 ARBON VALLEY HIGHWAY, ARBON, IDAHO 83212, 208-335-2197
Dear Parent/Guardian,
This letter is in regards to our 2018-2019 School Bus route for the south end of Arbon Valley. Â As of July 10th, 2018 the route is considered as a Non-Transportation Zone until further notice.
Our elementary school has hired a bus driver & mechanic, but unfortunately we will not have transportation at the beginning of the school year. Â Â We know that this may cause inconvenience for some families and that is why our school will reimburse your miles for driving your child to and from school. Â The school will pay $0.53 per mile round trip and the payouts will be in December and June.
If your child attends Arbon Elementary please have your child here no earlier than 9:15a.m and school ends at 4:20pm with the exception of Wednesdays which ends at 2:20pm.
If you would like to go over this change in more detail please feel free to contact me, Christie Evans by email or by phone (208)335.2197.
Christie Evans
Arbon Elementary #383
Business Manager/District Clerk