Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025

School Board MInutes / Expenses

June 14, 2016

The Arbon School Board met on June 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. members Jason Williams and Jessica Ward were present as were Debbie Curry and clerk, Cheri Evans.

The motion was moved by Jason and seconded by Jessica to approve the agenda. The motion was moved by Jason and seconded by Jessica to approve the minutes.  The bills were reviewed.  The motion was moved by Jason and seconded by Jessica to approve them.  The total M & O expenses for June was $34,757.63. The school received $170.21 from property taxes. $45,949.01 from the State Department, $149.02 from Federal Forest, $1,233.15 from REAP and $67.63 from interest on investments. The school M & O balance is $98,549.99. The Plant Facility received $22.19 from interest the Plant Facility balance is $51,786.26. The motion was moved by Jason and seconded by Jessica to approve the financial statement.

Robin has an extension on the 2016-2017 school calendar until June 30th.  American Falls has still not finalized theirs. Debbie went over the ISAT test scores.  Our schools 3rd – 6th grade scores are above the state average.  She would like to take some separate field trips from the K-3rd grades that are focused more for her grades.  The board approved.

The Supplemental Levy passed with 40 in favor and 6 against.  The 2016-2017 budget was gone over and approved.

Jessica made contact with parents and the teacher aides on the possibility of changing the kindergarten half days from Tuesday and Thursday to Monday and Friday.  The consensus was to leave it as it is so it will not change.  Jessica is working on the duel enrollment policy and procedures.

The auto dial for phones, teacher, lead teacher, administrative job descriptions and the clerk/business manager/etc. position was tabled for this month.

The annual meeting will be held on July 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. The motion was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
