Monday, Jan 27, 2025

School Board Minutes (April)

April 8, 2014

The Arbon School Board met on April 8, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. members Jason Williams, Melinda Campbell and Jake Evans were present as were Debbie Curry, Robin Claunch and clerk, Cheri Evans.

The motion was moved by Melinda and seconded by Jake to approve the agenda after one addition. The motion was moved by Jason and seconded by Melinda to approve the minutes. The bills were reviewed. The motion was moved by Melinda and seconded by Jason to approve them. The total M & O expenses for the month of April was $23,904.43. The school received $225.75 from property taxes and $6.72 from interest on investments. The school M & O balance is $113,489.03. The Plant Facility received $1.92 from interest the Plant Facility balance is $42,998.90. The motion was moved by Jake and seconded by Jason to approve the financial statement.

The spring program will be on May 22nd at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Debbie has some parents helping with the silent auction going on that day and evening. They will get flyers out to patrons a week or ten days before May 22nd. The proceeds from the silent auction will go towards the playground project. The school has risen a little over $5,100 to go towards the expenses for the project. Jake will see if Steve Lusk would be interested in coordinating the project, it would be nice to have it completed before school starts next fall.

Debbie and Cheri attended the Post Legislative Tour on Thursday, May 3rd. The school will see a small increase for overall funding for the school year 2014-2015. We will also receive monies that can only be spent on specific areas such as Leadership Awards, Technology, Safe & Drug Free, Curriculum and Professional Development. To receive the Professional Development monies, the school needs to submit a 3-year plan by June 30, 2014.

The spreadsheet on teacher duties in addition to teaching was gone over with some changes made.

The hanging light in the gym still needs to be taken care of. There has been some wind damage on the outside of the building on the west side. Jake will call Shawn to see if he would be able to fix it.

The next meeting will be held on May 13, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. The motion was moved and seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.